Benefits of Morning Workouts

Benefits of Morning Workouts

Increasing physical activity is proven to have many benefits for your health. But did you know that the time of your workout plays an important role? Although it can be difficult to wake up and workout, increasing physical activity in the morning has more benefits as opposed to any other time of day. These benefits include better performance in school, increased heart health, and increased fat burning.

Performance in School

Students who exercise in the morning perform better in school as opposed to those who do not. Using your brain after exercising increases focus and engagement. This leads to better retention of materials and heightened test performance. In addition, morning exercise reduces stress and improves mood.

Heart Health

Although any form of exercise reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, morning exercise reduces the risk even more. Studies show that individuals who exercise between the hours of 8am to 11am were less likely to experience a stroke or develop coronary artery disease, as opposed to those who exercise during later hours. Heart disease is the most common cause of death, so finding ways to lower your risk can increase your quality of life.

Fat Burning

For those who are looking to burn fat, morning exercise is beneficial. Studies have proven that fat oxidation is increased when exercising before breakfast. Exercising while in a fasted state burns more fat because your body is using previously stored fat as energy, as opposed to food you just ate. In addition, morning workouts induce longer after burn, which is the elevation in metabolism caused after exercising. This effect may help you lose weight over time.


1. Schedule a workout class

If you are new to working out, starting with group fitness classes may be beneficial. It will encourage you to be at the gym at a specific time and keep you on a steady track.

2. Set a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Find a time that fits with your schedule and try to wake-up at this time every day. This trains your body, and will make it easier to wake up at this time in the long run.

3. Make Goals

Start with setting small, achievable goals based on your activity level. Knowing what your body can handle will encourage you to maintain your workout routine and achieve your goals.

4. Find a Workout Partner

Having someone to workout with holds you accountable and encourages you to continue. In addition, exercising with a friend can make your workout more enjoyable.

Any type of exercise is beneficial to your overall health and happiness, no matter what time of day you do it. Be proud of your fitness achievements and remember to have fun with it. Do you like to exercise in the morning? Are there any personal fitness goals you are working to achieve?



  1. Hi Sarah! This is a very interesting post! I wrote my blog on how exercise improves academic success but I had no idea that the time of day mattered this much. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, but its almost always after 8pm, once classes are done. After reading your post I am definitely try to go before classes at least twice a week now!

    1. Hi Ian! I also was unaware that the time of day can impact the effectiveness of your workout. Having classes spread out throughout the day can make it difficult to find time in the morning to workout, so I also find myself working out later in the day.

  2. Hi Sarah!! These tips are so helpful! I take cycle classes at Zenergy in East Liberty. Usually I go in the evening, but I try to make it in the morning if I can. I would much rather go in the morning but my schedule won't allow (more like my sleep schedule)!! I am going to try waking up earlier and more consistent.

    1. Hi Paige! I agree, sometimes my sleep schedule can get in the way of working out in the morning. Pushing yourself to get in the routine of working out early can be difficult at first, but it gets easier over time.

  3. Great blog! I struggle to get to the gym, and it is something I have been trying to do lately. I have usually been a night person but I did not know some of these facts and learning them makes me think I should try in the morning instead due to all the great benefits. It is hard with classes and balancing so many things throughout the day as a college student. I agree and think it is important to have a consistent sleep schedule, that is something I would like to get better at. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Angelina! I agree that it can be difficult to balance classes and workouts. There are so many things that students have to make time for, so finding time to workout can be difficult some days.

  4. Hi Sarah, I found this blog post very helpful. I was not aware that morning workouts could have so many benefits, especially with school performance. I was under the impression that time had no effect on working out. Unfortunately, my mornings are busy with classes so I tend to workout at night but I will try the morning workout on weekends. Thank you for the advice.

    1. Hi Zayd! I also have morning classes most days, and don't always have time to workout in the morning. Balancing night workouts during the week and morning workouts on weekends is a great idea!

  5. Hi Sarah, your blog was very thought provoking. I was mostly aware of the benefits of working out. I was not aware that the time of day that someone worked out mattered this much. The benefits of working out before breakfast makes complete sense, however I would not have thought of that on my own. I know my mornings are pretty busy during the semester, but it is definitely something to consider in the summer. Thank you for the information you provided.

    1. Hi Edward! I also found it interesting that working out before breakfast is beneficial. When I workout in the morning, I find it helpful to eat something before I go to bed. This gives me enough energy to be able to workout the next morning.

  6. Dear Sarah,
    This was a very interesting post! I never knew that exercising before breakfast burns more fat. I used to work out much later in the day, sometimes around 6 because it was my only free time. However, now that I work out in the morning, I surely do feel more focused in the following classes. You mention good tips to help with staying consistent too. I need to work on training my body for my sleep schedule, but as of now my goal is to increase my stamina.

    1. I agree, working out in the morning increases my focus during my classes, too! It helps wake up my mind and body, and makes me more productive. Fixing your sleep schedule and increasing your stamina are great goals to have!


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